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1500190कुकी-चेकडेथ, लव एंड कैरेट्स में गेम पत्रकारों के लिए तैयार किया गया एक "यूरिनलिस्ट" कठिनाई मोड है

डेथ, लव एंड कैरेट्स में गेम पत्रकारों के लिए तैयार किया गया एक "यूरिनलिस्ट" कठिनाई मोड है

Indie developer Thraxx Media recently updated the side-scrolling platformer, Death, Love & Carrots, to include a brand new difficulty mode called “Urinalist”. This is the easiest of easiest modes for the game, making it where the character no longer takes any sort of damage at all, whether it’s from the on-screen enemies or from the stage obstacles.

The revelation of the “Urinalist” mode came from a tweet made by Thraxx, who shared a clip on August 7th, 2019 of the difficulty mode in action. You can check it out below.

As you can see, the difficulty was already on “Filthy Casual”, but the setting below that was “GG EZ”. The very easiest setting in the game that you can select is “Urinalist”.


It’s a nifty play on the word “Journalist” that was popularized by YouTuber Jeremy “TheQuartering” Hambly.

He made a number of videos highlighting how corrupt and anti-gamer the incestuous circle of game journalists are.

Not only that, but game journalists are also frequently incapable of playing video games effectively, resulting in infamous scenarios like VentureBeat’s Dean Takahashi getting stuck in the tutorial of Cuphead, or the PC Gamer reviewers के बारे में शिकायत Sekiro being too hard.

It’s nice to see a developer mock the pathetic institution known as game journalism.

Too much mockery of game journalists is never enough.

However, if you want to support Thraxx Media’s side-scrolling platformer, you can do so by picking up a digital copy of Death, Love & Carrots भर से पर itch.io पेज $ 4.99 के लिए।

Good developers definitely deserve a little bit of love and support from real gamers.

(Thanks for the news Gemma Ham)

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