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1521230कुकी-चेकरूल्स ऑफ सर्वाइवल, पबजी क्लोन ने आईट्यून्स, गूगल प्ले पर अपनी जगह बनाई

रूल्स ऑफ सर्वाइवल, पबजी क्लोन ने आईट्यून्स, गूगल प्ले पर अपनी जगह बनाई

Mobile game developers have caught wind of the popularity of प्लेयरअज्ञात का बैटलग्राउंड and have been working furiously around the clock to churn out equivalent games on iOS and Android devices, such as the newly released mobile survival game, Rules of Survival, which is currently available for download.

The Chinese-made survival game is made by Netease and has been approved by the Ministry of Culture, so they’re paying their dues.

The title is identical to Bluehole Studios’ game, insofar that you parachute out of a giant cargo plane and attempt to survive in a desert arena against 119 other players. Yes, they’ve ratcheted up the player-count by 20 additional players, which is quite impressive if I must say so myself.

YouTuber Techzamazing has a six minute video available to give you an idea of what to expect from the game, complete with the basic UI, action beats, scavenging elements, and survival mechanics being put on display. You can check out the video below.

You have the option of choosing your character, starting in a solo game, a tag-team bout, or a squad.

Once you get the basics all sorted out you then end up in the waiting lobby as the game fills up, and then you parachute down into the map.

As is typical of most mobile games, it has a lot of LOD pop-in issues, and the graphics aren’t the most impressive, but it looks like a PS2 game, so if you’re okay with that then you won’t mind the graphics.

The environments are designed to replicate realistic looking buildings, facilities, and houses. However, the lag is pretty bad, as evident in the video above.

If you’re okay with the latency issues then you might have some fun, but it was painful watching as the one player was unable to connect his punches with the other guy while the shotgun blasts seemed to completely miss their mark for several minutes.

Anyway, it’s a free-to-play PLayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds clone that you can play on a mobile phone. You would think that Bluehole would have leaped at the opportunity to throw out a version of their game for the Nintendo Switch to combat the poor smartphone clones, but they opted to put the game on the Xbox One instead. Priorities.

You can download a digital copy of जीवन रक्षा के नियम से iTunes app स्टोर या से गूगल प्ले outlet right now.

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