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1453240कुकी-चेकहोल्डफ़ास्ट: युद्ध में राष्ट्र देव ब्लॉग सामुदायिक मानचित्र आदर्शों की तलाश करता है

होल्डफ़ास्ट: युद्ध में राष्ट्र देव ब्लॉग सामुदायिक मानचित्र आदर्शों की तलाश करता है

होल्डफ़ास्ट: युद्धरत राष्ट्र is a game that is set during the Napoleonic era and sees players battling it out either in first or third-person for pure dominion. Recently publisher and developer Anvil Game Studios posted up a new dev blog explaining how they would like to see community made maps and stage feedback for Holdfast.

The PC game is currently in development, and every now and then sports a playable build for gamers to get a taste of the most recent changes. Before proceeding onward about the latest news about community feedback and helping the devs create maps, both the official description and ट्रेलर showing the game are up for you to look over.

"होल्डफ़ास्ट में कई मोर्चों पर लड़ाई: युद्ध में राष्ट्र - महान नेपोलियन युग के दौरान स्थापित एक प्रतिस्पर्धी मल्टीप्लेयर प्रथम और तृतीय व्यक्ति शूटर।"

As seen above, the game is still early in development and still needs some ironing out before it hits Steam Early Access sometime this year. In an effort to fix the game and represent it in the best way possible, the devs decided to give the community enough power to send in ideals for stages and maps. This move of interacting with the community is said to help the maps in the game flow better, which the notice explaining this information sits below.

“If you have ideas for scenes that will work for a Napoleonic land based battle, then feel free to share them with us here.


We are trying our best to avoid feature creep so any more complicated scenes will be pushed back until after our Early Access release (otherwise it will take forever to get the game into your hands!). We feel that rushing things out will not do justice to our vision for Holdfast: NaW.


You can check out one of our Skirmish maps – Crosshills in the below developer blog: Developer Blog 11 – Crosshills. Skirmish map and time of day


Some points to look out for when pitching a concept for a map:


  • Name your map.
  • Is your map concept specifically aimed at competitive, public play or both?
  • How are things going to play out gameplay wise?
  • How large is the map?
  • What is the environment going to be like?
  • Provide a top down overview of the map and additional imagery to get your point across.”

The forum board is open to anyone, meaning that if you have an ideal or map that you think will help the game you can head on over holdfastgame.com/forum and jot down whatever it is and/or send in a hand drawn or reference map to show the devs. To get an ideal on how big a map can be a new desert ruins map reveals just that in a three minute long package.

होल्डफ़ास्ट: युद्धरत राष्ट्र is set to come out for PC via स्टीम प्रारंभिक प्रवेश sometime in 2017. For more information on this game you can visit होल्डफ़ास्टगेम.कॉम.

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