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1442510कुकी-चेकयुद्धक्षेत्र 1 वे सामग्री को पास नहीं करेंगे जो अब सीटीई सर्वर के माध्यम से लाइव होगी

युद्धक्षेत्र 1 वे सामग्री को पास नहीं करेंगे जो अब सीटीई सर्वर के माध्यम से लाइव होगी

Do you want to get an early taste of all of the new content in युद्धक्षेत्र 1 without having to wait for “They Shall Not Pass” to mysteriously arrive in March? Thanks to the CTE you will be able to test all of the new content well ahead of everyone else starting right now (or tomorrow for some) through the Community Test Environment. युद्धक्षेत्र 1 पीसी, PS4 और एक्सबॉक्स वन के लिए अब बाहर है।

The CTE or Community Test Environment has been live for some time now and allows participants to help change युद्धक्षेत्र 1 by adding new stuff that’s not in the actual game, or rearranging statistics to make the overall experience better.

Now that the CTE has been live for a while you will be able to play the They Shall Not Pass DLC ahead of the actual release date, starting now for some. The CTE server for the DLC may have some problems or may be crowded (or may not), but will allow you to play the new maps and use the new weapons in the game’s first paid downloadable content.

If you are unaware the sign-up process calls for those with premium access to use either their iOS or Android device to sign into the Battlefield companion app. Once there in the settings menu click on the cog-gear and it will take you to a menu that holds the CTE and its registration menu to join.

You will need to switch from your mobile device to your PC and head to Origin, and you should see Battlefield 1 Community Test Environment in the My Games Library.

From here you will be able to play the CTE version of युद्धक्षेत्र 1, and if you have the premium version of the game you will also gain early access to the DLC’s maps and weapons.

The aforesaid can be found in the video below by Westie.

युद्धक्षेत्र 1 पीसी, PS4 और एक्सबॉक्स वन के लिए अब बाहर है।

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