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1440800कुकी-चेकफ्रीडम प्लैनेट 2 निःशुल्क नमूना संस्करण डाउनलोड उपलब्ध है

फ्रीडम प्लैनेट 2 निःशुल्क नमूना संस्करण डाउनलोड उपलब्ध है

The sample version of स्वतंत्रता ग्रह 2 from GalaxyTrail has been released into the wild and can currently be downloaded for free on PC. The game features the Dragon Valley stage and the four playable characters, including Lilac, Carol, Milla and Neera.

The 1.0 sample version is only 62MB, so it won’t require a lot of hard drive space if you want to give the indie title a run. You can download the sample version from the official Freedom Planet 2 website.

The original game was Kickstarted by the gaming community, but it managed to go on to sell enough to warrant a sequel that did not have to be crowdfunded. They’ve managed to move far enough ahead in development where they’re seeking feedback from the community as well as offering a chance to see what the gameplay is like firsthand.

They do warn gamers over on the official page that some versions of Windows 10 may not properly read the sample version of स्वतंत्रता ग्रह 2 and may even list it as a virus. They also warn that controller mapping isn’t complete yet, so you’ll have to work with the defaults they have setup at the moment. It’s advised to play with a gamepad.

You can see what the sample version is like with a demonstration provided by YouTuber SomecallmeJohnny.

They also mention that some of the character animations are still undergoing work, and there may be some bugs you encounter.

They have 12 items that can be acquired throughout the level as well.

The sample version reveals that the different difficulty settings offer different item restrictions or bonuses. There’s also custom difficulty settings so you can add your own challenges for the game.

There are some nice new additions thanks to switching to the Unity 3D game engine. Things like auto-zoom has been implemented the faster you move, so you can see what’s ahead of you.

The video also features a boss fight and all four of the characters on display. If you weren’t sure about the game or don’t have access to a PC that isn’t a 20 year old potato, you can view each of the characters and their abilities in the video. We also learn that on the harder settings you’ll need to collect the gems if you want to continue from a checkpoint after dying.

The game looks really good so far. I’m especially impressed with Milla’s animations and how smooth her animations are. She’s definitely still a lot harder to use than Carol or Lilac, but she’s still an interesting character added to the mix.

The new playable character in स्वतंत्रता ग्रह 2 is Neera, the guard from the first game. Neera is really cool for being able to use her melee weapon to freeze enemies and create new platforming opportunities.

स्वतंत्रता ग्रह 2 is due out for PC, but hopefully the game does well enough to appear on the Nintendo Switch at some point.

अधिक जानकारी के लिए अधिकारी से अवश्य मिलें GalaxyTrail website.

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