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1439480कुकी-चेकडोनाल्ड ट्रम्प बजाने योग्य पात्र के रूप में किक ऐस कमांडो में शामिल हुए

डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प बजाने योग्य पात्र के रूप में किक ऐस कमांडो में शामिल हुए

President Elect Donald Trump is about to become the President of the United States. Before having that honor bestowed upon him at the Presidential Inauguration ceremony, one developer decided to take the The Donald on a “What if?” journey through the hardened world of किक गधा कमांडो.

पर ओवर स्टीम दुकान पेज, developer Anarchy Enterprises announced that Trump is the new playable character in किक गधा कमांडो, लिख रहे हैं…

“A new President means a new “Kick-Ass-Commando-In-Chief”! The Donald is here to kick ass and tweet about it, and he’s all out of tweets. Love him or hate him, he’s ready to pwn the enemy in 140 bullets or less. When The Donald pulls the trigger, the last thing they’ll hear is “You’re Fired!””

Come to think of it… with his brash demeanor, crass one-liners and ability to grab enemies by the you-know-what, Trump seems as if it just might fit in with the other die-hard, commando misfits after all.

Since video games got huge, Trump has been the first President to really get the meme treatment in games since Bill Clinton, who appeared or was referenced in a number of titles back in the 1990s, including Midway’s एनबीए जाम श्रृंखला.

Trump has been featured in everything from political simulators, to अमेरिकी ट्रक सिम्युलेटर, to 2D platformers, to overhead shooters. The guy is extremely popular with the youth of the gaming community thanks to his over-the-top mannerisms and ridiculously infectious behavior (for better or for worse).

The update for version 1.04 for किक गधा कमांडो featuring Donald Trump was received with the same sort of division one would expect when mentioning the President Elect’s name in public. Some liked it, others hated it, but like one user claimed… “there are no brakes on the Trump Train”.

आप चुन सकते हैं किक गधा कमांडो अभी के लिए $ 9.99 पर स्टीम दुकान.

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