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1432530कुकी-चेकलेट इट डाइ पीएस4 देव डायरी खूनी तबाही की गहराई में उतरती है

लेट इट डाइ पीएस4 देव डायरी खूनी तबाही की गहराई में उतरती है

Gungho Entertainment released the latest developer diary for their upcoming game मर जाने दो. It’s a 12 minute look into the chaos and carnage of the bloody action title due for release on the PlayStation 4.

The developer diary actually focuses on real-time gameplay, with director Hideyuki Shin giving gamers an idea of what the controls and mechanics are like. Shin-san walks gamers through the session, starting off with a character in a gas mask and his underwear. He picks up a frog to eat it later to restore his HP and then finds some मैड मैक्स-style S&M armor. He sneaks up on a bad guy and then takes him to suplex city with a spectacular backdrop into a pool of exploding blood. Check it out below.

खेल एक का एक सा है तलाशी vibe to it with the stealth. However, there are also some long range combat as well. The actual melee fights play out similar to अंधेरे आत्माओं, with big, weighty attacks sending blood flying everywhere.

We get to see the chainsaw in action, cutting down a bad guy into a toxic fog of green stuff. Pickaxes, are briefly put on display and they also discuss how blueprints and resources work, where players can collect blueprints and resources and then take them to a shopkeeper and craft new weapons and items.

There are also bonus items you can pick up as well that will give you defense or offense bonuses in combat or other status effects.

Each hand also gets three item cycles, so on the left and right hand there are three slots each and if you equip a single-handed item in each hand then you can dual-wield the items.

During the dev diary they come across a player-created enemy who has special items and a lot of extra health compared to normal enemies.

Enemies can be finished off with special fatalities or you can get some extra gory sequences using the Rage attacks.

The game looks like a cross between No More Heroes, Manhunt और अंधेरे आत्माओं. No complaints here. We’re in desperate need of original, cool games that copy off of other successful games but combines a bunch of elements together to make up brand new gameplay experiences.

मर जाने दो looks legit and it’s due out for the PS4.

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