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1427500कुकी-चेकटाइटनफ़ॉल 2 पायलट ट्रेलर से नए हथियारों, हाथापाई हमलों, गैजेट्स का पता चलता है

टाइटनफ़ॉल 2 पायलट ट्रेलर से नए हथियारों, हाथापाई हमलों, गैजेट्स का पता चलता है

Respawn Entertainment and EA are getting serious about promoting Titanfall 2. The latest trailer for the game is all about the pilots; running, jumping, gliding, sliding and backstabbing their way to victory.

The trailer was recently posted up over on the Titanfall 2 YouTube channel, featuring just under two minutes worth of in-game footage. You can check out the trailer below.

The trailer starts with the player-character running through a canyon alongside the walls, ending with a cool melee takedown attack.

We then get to see robots sliding into the screen while shooting at the enemy, utilizing new gadgets like the barrier shield and the portable turret gun, as well as some of the new weaponry that is available for players to utilize on the battlefield.

Riding on Titans is back, and there are now more explosive options and opportunities to employ against the Titans.

The pilots now have the ability to slingshot across the maps using the brand new grappling hook. It’s a little difficult to tell exactly how far the grappling hook reaches, but it’s far enough to get in close and perform a sneaky takedown.

Titanfall 2

One of the things that completely took me by surprise is the new multi-entity decoy that can be deployed, which has a bunch of player clones running around to distract the enemy. I was really not expecting that at all.

The new jetpack hover feature also allows players to decelerate in mid-air and stabilize for precision aiming. That’s going to be a major game changer. Players will be able to utilize this feature as a way to mix up and change up the encounters.

The dynamism of the PvP in Titanfall 2 is exceptionally entertaining. I’m impressed. I’m thoroughly impressed.

It’s still not my kind of game, but it looks like the Respawn that helped make ड्यूटी के कॉल a billion dollar franchise might have a real winner on their hands with Titanfall 2. Funnily enough the game is coming in as an underdog this season given युद्धक्षेत्र 1 और ड्यूटी के कॉल: अनंत वारफेयर are launching just before and just after it. So they’re going have their work cut out for them.

आप के लिए देख सकते हैं Titanfall 2 to launch on October 28th for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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