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1420510कुकी-चेकबीएफएफ या डाई विकास को समाप्त करने के लिए किकस्टार्टर की ओर ले जाता है

बीएफएफ या डाई विकास को समाप्त करने के लिए किकस्टार्टर की ओर ले जाता है

BFF या मरो is a game where you’re either working really well together with your friend or you’re dying repeatedly due to a lack of proper communication. The concept was good enough to get the attention of Develop UK and now the team at Honey Tribe Studios are seeking to finish up development by accruing funds through Kickstarter.

The developers recently sent out a press release, talking up the crowd-funding phase for BFF या मरो and giving gamers a bit of talking to about its concepts and the journey that they’ve taken in attempting to bring the game to life. You can see the pitch video below that they have up running right now.

As the video describes, BFF या मरो features up to four players controlling aliens who flunked out of the Intergalactic Time Academy and end up in ancient Egypt. Players will need to work together to get through various puzzles and traps, with one of the players shining a light on the stages or activating abilities to help out teammates by keeping enemies off their tail while they try to get to the exit.

It’s one of those frenetic multiplayer titles that tips the whole concept of cooperative gameplay on its head and then shakes things up.

During the run of the Kickstarter, they want to add in dynamic audio for an interactive soundtrack that reacts to what players are doing, brand new levels and content, new playable characters and improved graphics.

Honey Tribe Studios only has a $19,620 goal for the game and the prime thing they want to get done is the online multiplayer mode. At the moment they have the local multiplayer implemented but they want to expand the multiplayer to help the game reach as wide an audience as possible. At the moment they’ve managed to gain $4,000 as of the writing of this article and they still have 34 days to go for the project, which is pretty darn impressive.

BFF या मरो is scheduled to release in May of 2017 next year. If you want to check out a playable demo with some friends ahead of its release or to convince you that the game is worth backing, you can head to itch.io or गेमजॉल्ट to get the demo.

If they manage to get enough funds the game will be available on PC and there will be consideration for a console release.

पर अधिक जानकारी के लिए BFF या मरो यात्रा करने के लिए स्वतंत्र महसूस Kickstarter पेज.

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