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1438290कुकी-चेकडेस्टिनी 2 की जानकारी दो नए वीडियो में सामने आई

डेस्टिनी 2 की जानकारी दो नए वीडियो में सामने आई

I bet a lot of hardcore Guardians already know some of this stuff, but if you haven’t been keeping up with भाग्य or भाग्य 2 news, two videos have surfaced as of recent that go over new info and summarize existing infor regarding the second installment of the sci-fi epic. भाग्य 2 is set to release sometime this year according to Activision Blizzard CEO Eric Hirshberg.

Usually this kind of information this early regarding a project like भाग्य 2 focuses heavily around rumors, which is something I’m not fond of, but seeing how we do have some concrete info here and seeing how there are folks asking me भाग्य 2 related stuff, I thought to ease the pain for eager Guardians.

Two videos going over भाग्य 2 information have surfaced as of recent talking about job listings and of course, you guessed it, rumors. As of the written part we’ll look over actual evidence relating to the game and leave the rumors to the two videos.

Not too long ago during an Activision Blizzard financial conference call, Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg provided an actual estimate on when the game would launch, setting the date for 2017, which is this year. Although it would have been smart to say that the sequel for भाग्य will be ready when it’s ready, but anyways, the CEO’s announcement can be read below:

"हम ट्रैक पर हैं और इस बात को लेकर उत्साहित हैं कि 2017 में डेस्टिनी का एक शानदार सीक्वल बनने जा रहा है। आज समय पर कोई घोषणा नहीं हुई है, लेकिन मैं जो कहूंगा वह यह है कि सीक्वल हमारे अत्यधिक व्यस्त वर्तमान दोनों को उत्साहित करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। खिलाड़ियों के लिए, बल्कि अपील को और भी व्यापक बनाने के लिए, नए प्रशंसकों को लाने के साथ-साथ पुराने प्रशंसकों को भी वापस लाने के लिए। अभी हमारा प्राथमिक ध्यान इसी पर है।”

So those who are in doubt that the game isn’t set to come out at least now know that भाग्य will have a “sequel” and that the devs hope to bring it out this year. The true question is, as a retired and rusted Guardian, will there still be mad grinding for mediocre rewards, very little to do at end game, and tons of unnecessary DLC to compensate for what should have been in the game at launch?

According to the first video below we learn that Bungie’s job listing on its आधिकारिक साइट revealed that they want a specific focus on the game’s narrative. Additionally this includes hiring for head of Narrative Development, Narrative Director, and Live Narrative Director, which sees the latter of the two listings directly focusing on creating narratives in भाग्य है क्षेत्र या ब्रह्मांड.

The first video is up for you to watch, which goes over both job listings and what Guardians might see in the future sequel. The video comes in by Tygramcrackers – Destiny & Zombies!.


The second video covers all things भाग्य 2 and what is known so far regarding the game in 2017, as the title of the video reads. You can check out the video that Arekkz गेमिंग की तैनाती।

Lastly, designer Josh Hamrick is making a return to the game according to the job listings, and Vicarious Visions is also on board. I’m sure a lot of hardcore भाग्य fans know a lot of this stuff, but those who are new to the scene are now up to speed thanks to the new videos above.

If you can’t hold out and seek more information, sadly you eager Guardians will just have to wait.

अन्य मीडिया