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1429970कुकी-चेकई-मेल लीक के अनुसार, पोलिटिको के ग्लेन थ्रश की क्लिंटन अभियान के साथ मिलीभगत है

ई-मेल लीक के अनुसार, पोलिटिको के ग्लेन थ्रश की क्लिंटन अभियान के साथ मिलीभगत है

The Podesta e-mails continue to leak, courtesy of Wikileaks. In some of the latest batches of the e-mails we find out that Glenn Thrush, the chief political correspondent and senior staff writer for Politico, colluded with John Podesta, the chairman of the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign, in order to make sure that the pieces being published on Politico were to the chairman’s liking.

According to Wikileaks, back on अप्रैल 29th, 2015, Thrush wrote and asked Podesta about a fundraiser story he was working on. He wanted to make sure that any of the sections mentioning Podesta were done in a satisfactory manner. Podesta politely informed him a day later that he was sorry for the delay due to being on a plane but he would gladly look over the piece before publishing. Thrush wrote back, saying…

“No worries Because I have become a hack I will send u the whole section that pertains to u Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this Tell me if I fucked up anything [sic]”

The piece was published on May 1st, 2015 with bylines featuring Glenn Thrush and Anna Palmer. It features many of the same sections that Thrush sent to Podesta in the e-mail featured on Wikileaks.

The thing is, the piece isn’t an interview with John Podesta. He’s mentioned five times in the piece in reference to other topics discussed in the piece, but Podesta isn’t quoted anywhere, so there was no reason for Thrush to worry about what Podesta and the Clinton campaign thought about the piece. Even more than that, there was no reason to have Clinton’s campaign take a look at the article before publishing.

This e-mail ties into other Podesta e-mails that revealed that major media websites like the Huffington Post and the Associated Press, along with CNN, also colluded with the Clinton Campaign for positive press. The corruption from the media and the spin taking place has literally become too blatant to be ignored.

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